Sodapop Curtis

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i have so many soda requests (who can blame the hottie?) but this one is dedicated to iloveromanticnovels ! this imagine is when soda is still in school (:

"What a drag. Can lunch come any slower?" You murmured to yourself as your eyes watched the clock intently.

"Y/N, since you seem so anxious to get out of here...why don't you solve for x?" Ms. Meyers pointed at the equation on the board.

You rolled your eyes and confidently stood in front of the class. Within a few seconds, you easily found the solution. You smirked as the class applauded before heading back to your seat.

Finally, after an even longer wait, the bell rang. You quietly headed towards the door, but you knocked over your notebooks by accident. Ironically, you were the last person out of the classroom.

"Mr. Curtis, you're failing my class. I'm going to have to recommend you to summer school if you want to graduate." You heard Ms. Meyers talk to a student that walked in.

You glanced and saw Sodapop Curtis, also known as the hottest junior in school. You felt yourself blush and you tried to sneak out the back door.

"Oh, Ms. Y/L/N! I have a favor to ask." Ms. Meyers called you to her desk.

"And I have a lunch to eat," you muttered and put on a fake smile. "Yes?"

"Would you mind tutoring this boy?" Ms. Meyers asked.

"It would be deeply appreciated, but you don't have to do it." Sodapop flashed one of his famous smiles.

You wanted to object, but you couldn't; so you decided to stall. "For how long?"

"Just long enough that he'll be able to pass the exam at the end of the year." Your math teacher shrugged.

"That's like three months away!" You exclaimed.

"Exactly! Enough time for him to become more intelligent."

"I'm standing right here," Sodapop interjected.

You suspected that Ms. Meyers was trying to embarrass you as some sort of revenge. You scoffed,"Whatever. I'll do it."

"Great! You two can sort things out," Ms. Meyers kicked the two of you out her classroom.

"What a hag," you whispered under your breath and started walking to the cafeteria.

"Hey Y/N?" Sodapop called to you. "Thanks."

"Yeah, no problem. Uh, meet me every Thursday after school by Ms. Meyers room. We can figure out where to study from there." You replied awkwardly and walked away.

After weeks of tutoring your new friend, Sodapop, you felt as if he was ready to go. It was a bit weird for the two of you going to each other's houses, since you came from different social groups. And today was the last day to help Soda, so you both decided to go to the diner.

You've grown closer to him, and he seemed to take a liking in you. Once you reached the diner, Soda opened the door for you. He's been really nice lately.

"Okay, first things first---" you started the lesson once you took settled in a booth.

He cut you off with a kiss,"You won't believe how long I waited to do that."

"W-what," you were speechless.

"I know today is our last day spending time with each other...but I was hoping we could still hang out still." Soda smiled,"by going on a date."

You pursed your lips,"I'd like that."


whoops writer's block 24/7 for me lmao dead

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