Sodapop Curtis

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You slumped into the cushion of the Curtis' household. Dally had to drop off something...for about twenty minutes. You heard laughter in the rooms, other than the living room you were being held captive.

A smiling Sodapop walked into the room and his smiled softened when he saw you. "Hey, Y/N! Still waiting for Dally, huh? Might take 'im a while 'cause he's laughing his bottom off. And stalling." He walked over to the fridge and took a swig of chocolate milk.

"Thanks for the heads up," you smiled and held your head down. You've always had a thing for Sodapop. It was so obvious that Dally found out... And, he banned you from ever telling Soda.

Plus, Soda has a girlfriend. Well, had. She moved away, because her parents didn't want her marrying. It broke your heart that Soda was heartbroken for awhile. He seems fine now.

Sodapop took a seat next to you and turned up the TV's volume. You shifted awkwardly in your seat. Your heart was pounding and your cheeks were flushing red. Every bone ached in your body to be with him. Your heart and soul yearned for him.

It saddened you how he would never feel the same. You hesitantly looked over at Soda and caught him looking already.

"Everything alright, Y/N?" Sodapop placed an arm behind you. He was so close to wrapping it around your shoulder.

You nodded,"Yeah."

Sodapop looked down at his watch and groaned,"I gotta go. We'll catch up later, yeah?"

You nodded again,"Yeah."

"See you later, and tell the boys I said bye." Sodapop ruffled your hair and left the house.

You sighed happily and collapsed onto your side. Your heartbeat hasn't slowed down at all. If only you could tell Soda how much he means to you...


any suggestions? i'm thinking about doing a song preference.. idk

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