Ponyboy Curtis

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dedicated to @krazykoolstories

You stepped out of your car into the hot sun. It was your first time out of your home city, so you were unfamiliar with the surroundings.

You looked down at the piece of paper with your brother's address on it. You glanced around the neighborhood, trying to find the house that would become your new home.

You took a deep breath and began your search. You knocked on multiple doors, but was turned away.

You rang a doorbell, this had to be his house.

"It's open!" A muffled voice came from the deeper end of the house.

You pursed your lips and stepped into the house. You looked around, hoping that you didn't walk into some stranger's property.

"Uh, do I know you?" A boy about your age stepped out of the hallway.

You furrowed your brows,"No. Sorry, I'll let myself out."

"Wait, you're new here aren't you?" He collapsed onto the couch near the front door.

"Yeah," you sheepishly looked down.

"I'm Ponyboy," he gestured for you to take a seat next to him.

You declined his offer,"I should be going now. My brother might be worried."

"Trying to find your brother's house?" Ponyboy rose a brow. You nodded. "I've lived in this neighborhood my whole life, let me help you."

"We just met," you blushed. The way he was staring at you made your heart beat faster.

"Well, you know my name." He pointed out.

"But, I know nothing about you." You retorted.

"Touché, hey I've got an idea! I'll help you find your brother's house, and we can talk on the way." He smiled hopefully.

You thought about it for a moment,"I'd like that."

Ponyboy found your brother's house in ten minutes. Turns out, you were on the wrong street. You both enjoyed the same things, which surprised you.

You stopped in front of the door,"Thank you."

"My pleasure, could we do this again sometime?" Ponyboy smiled.


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