Steve Randle

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It was clear that you are in love with Steve Randle. You two have been friends forever. Although, you treated each other as if you guys were actual siblings.

Till one day, Steve asked you out...on a date. To say the least, you were shocked.

Your first date was set at the Nightly Double drive in. You waited patiently on your porch for Steve. After a few minutes, Steve rolled in with his car.

He had a deep frown on his face. You wondered why. It was probably because of his dad...

"Ready?" Steve asked without looking at you.

You nodded and wrapped your jacket closer around you,"yeah."

You and Steve remained silent through the whole movie. You didn't mind though, the storyline was pretty interesting.

It was quiet the ride home as well. It began to bother you how empty it felt.

Once you reached your house, you spoke up. "What's wrong, Steve?"

Steve hesitantly answered,"Nothing."

"Steve... I've known you forever. and I can tell when you're lying or not." You placed your hand on his.

He was taken aback by the gesture,"It's nothing, Y/N. Really."

You felt your eyes tear up. What was wrong? Was it something you had done? Did he realize that he didn't like you the way you loved him?

Your mind was scrambled with endless possibilities of unhappy endings.

"Are you going to get out or..." Steve began.

You let out a cry of anger and opened the door,"fine." You slammed it shut. When you reached your front door, you turned back to Steve. "I care about you. Could you just let me behind those walls in your mind?"

Steve looked away. You shook your head and stormed into your house.

"Hey honey! How was---" your mom asked.

You cut her off,"Not now Mom."

You collapsed onto your bed and sobbed into your hands. You turned to your window to shut off your light.

"Y/N!" Steve was by your window.

You were startled,"Golly Steve!"

He gave you a weak smile and opened your unlocked window.

Reminder...lock your window every night. You told yourself.

He sat by your side,"I'm sorry. Things just got crazy at home and I wasn't in the mood for anything. Then I ruined our first date..which sucks because I really like you and I didn't want things to end this way---"

You shut him up by placing a quick kiss on his lips,"Who said things ended?"


awh steve (:
happy new years eve / day!!

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