Darrel Curtis

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Darry's high school days (;
P.S I don't know anything about football so I'm sorry if I offended anybody??

You sat on the very edge of the bleachers, watching your longtime crush run towards the touchdown line. Darry, your neighbor and the boy you've liked throughout the years, was unfortunately tackled by the opposing time.

You, along with other students, groaned in response.

"He keeps looking at you," your friend nudged you.

You blushed and playfully punched her shoulder,"No he doesn't. He barely knows who I am."

She rolled her eyes,"Whatever. Bet you he's going to ask you out to homecoming."

"Deal," you shook her hand and sipped happily on your Pepsi. You hoped he would ask you out, but sometimes wishes don't come true.

The game ended and your school took the win. Students rolled onto the field and congratulated the players. You followed after your friend towards her boyfriend. She placed a kiss on his lips and gripped his shoulder pads excitedly.

You smiled at the sight and took a seat on the nearby bleachers.

"Hey," a way too familiar voice said,"Y/N, right?"

You looked up and saw Darry standing in front of you,"Y-yeah."

He smiled,"Did you enjoy the game?"

You nodded shyly,"You did great... All of you guys did!"

"Thanks," he took a seat next to you. "So I was wondering..."

Your heart sped up. Was he going to ask?

"Would you possibly want to pair up for the science project? I asked Ms. Navaro if we could make it a group project, and she said sure." Darry nervously gulped.

You frowned, but quickly smiled,"Sure!"

Darry was about to leave,"Wait. That's not what I meant to say. Maybe you and your friend can hang out with me and her boyfriend sometime? I'll still be up for the project, of course..."

You giggled, you've never experienced this much interaction with Darry before. You nodded and bid goodbye to him. Your friend greeted you with a loud scream and a giant hug. You laughed along and hugged her back happily.


oops ive been slacking cus school ew
but anyways, today i watched the lost boys and ahhhh young kiefer sutherland makes me cry
and of course who doesn't love the two coreys :):

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