Two-Bit Matthews

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Dedicated to outsidrs

You looked over at your husband for almost a whole year now. He was happily making breakfast for you while you were sick.

You've been throwing up, but weirdly only in the morning. You two didn't suspect anything, but secretly you knew something was up. And it wasn't a stomach bug.

"Here honey," Two-Bit strutted over with a proud smile playing on his lips. He placed the warm plate onto your lap.

"Thank you," you placed a kiss on his cheek before eating the delicious meal.

"Sweetheart? I think I know what's wrong..." Two-Bit sat next to you on the couch. You rose a brow as you placed the spoon in your mouth. "This." Two-Bit held up a pregnancy test.

"Y-you think I'm pregnant?" You almost choked on a piece of bacon. Two-Bit nodded. You took the test from his hands and ran to the bathroom.

After sitting on the toilet and gawking at the positive test for more than five minutes, Two-Bit knocked on the door.

"Y/N? Is everything alright?" Two-Bit asked worriedly.

"Huh? Oh, everything's fine." You opened the door and walked back to the couch.

"Well?" Two-Bit smiled softly at you.

"I'm pregnant," you smiled back.

Two-Bit's smile widened and he jumped up to hug you. The two of you collapsed on the couch and Two-Bit cried out in excitement.

"I'm going to be a father!" He placed kisses all over your face.

You giggled and pushed him off of you,"And I'll be a mother!"

"And we'll be a family." Two-Bit placed a hand on your stomach.


shameless self promo again:
check out my Stand By Me imagines book! i don't have a lot of parts posted up but i'll be posting frequently like i do with this book (:

btw, i've decided to end this book once i reach 100+ imagines. so i halfway there 😁😥😅😭

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