Two-Bit Matthews

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(part two!!)

Vanessa was silent during the short walk home. She kept looking up at your hesitantly, before staring down at the ground.

"Mommy?" Vanessa asked as you walked into the apartment.

"Yes?" You draped your jacket over the arm of the couch.

She sniffed and began to slowly take off her shoes,"Was that daddy?"

You felt a chill go up your spine as you froze in place. You saw that she was on the verge of tears,"Sweetheart..."

"I know daddy died in a bad fight...but he looks like me!" Vanessa pouted, causing you to pick her up and hold her close.

"Vanessa... I-" you weren't sure how to answer her,"- Two-Bit is your father. But, he doesn't care about us. It's better to continue living the way we do, just the two of us!"

"But who am I going to bring to school for Father's Day?" Your heart broke.

"Listen, Aunt Emmy will be here soon. I'll be off to work and tomorrow we'll catch up with Two-Bit, sound good?" You smiled down at your daughter. She nodded excitedly and gave you a hug.

You had called up Two-Bit and the two of you scheduled a meetup. It was at the Nightly Double for another Mickey Mouse movie. It was way past Vanessa's bedtime, but she managed to pull through the commercials.

As Two-Bit and her began talking, you went to buy some snacks and drinks. When you came back, you saw your daughter fast asleep on Two-Bit's lap.

"Asleep so soon? The movie hasn't even started," you lightly laughed and set the food onto the bleacher beside you.

"She said she wanted to see what it felt like to sleep in her dad's arms. I'm guessing you told her?" Two-Bit carefully scooted closer to you. You nodded. "You know, I still love you."

"Two-Bit..." You pursed your lips.

"No, Y/N, I really do. And I want to be apart of both of your lives. Please, give me a chance." Two-Bit smiled wearily.

You sighed,"For Vanessa's sake."

You saw your four-year-old spring up from Two-Bit's lap giggling,"Yay!"

Your jaw dropped when you realized it was a trick. You shrugged it off, maybe it was for the better good.



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