Dallas Winston

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You and your friends decided to go sneak into a movie. You found an empty bench and eventually filled half of it up. Halfway through the romance movie, an arm wrapped around your shoulder.

You turned to see a greaser smirking at you. You rolled your eyes,"Can I help you?"

The boy pulled you closer into his body,"I'd like to help you to a date with me."

"I'm good," you shrugged his arm off your shoulder.

He held up his hands in defeat, but turned to his gang. "Ya hear that boys! She said yes." His friends high-fived each other in response.

Your best friend nudged your side,"you gonna take that?"

"No," you frowned and stood up to face the greaser. "What's your name?"

He grinned,"your future boyfriend."

"It's Dally!" One of his friends snickered. Dally turned to his friend and frowned.

"Well listen here, Dally. I ain't gonna go out with you. Even if you were the last man on earth!" You poked his chest to make yourself seem stronger.

Dally was taken aback. It was like he's never been rejected before. "Man, alright." He sat down and didn't bother looking at you. His friends and your friends joined in a chorus of "ooh's".

You smiled triumphantly and sat back down. After the movie, Dally caught up to you.

"Hey, listen. Sorry about the whole, yknow.. I just thought you were pretty so I thought I would give it a shot." Dally nervously said.

You could tell he was being honest. In fact, you were flattered. "Well, it's alright. But know that you ain't gonna get girls like the way with me."

He nodded in response and began to walk away. You quickly grabbed his arm.

"The Dingo. At seven pm. Saturday." You ordered and walked away.

"I never caught your name!" He shouted back. You knew he accepted the date.

"That's because I didn't throw it to you." You yelled and began walking away with your friends.

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