Steve Randle

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You groaned and clenched your stomach in pain. You were throwing up all day and no idea why. Steve, your boyfriend of a year and a half, was concerned.

"Maybe we should go see a doctor," Steve suggested.

You shook your head,"No. I'm fine. It's probably just food poisoning." It seemed reasonable, you did eat some pretty bad french fries earlier.

"You sure?" Steve tied your hair back as you leaned over the toilet once more.

"Yeah," you gagged and collapsed on the ground.

"You should get some rest," Steve wiped your mouth with a towel. He picked you up as if you were a feather. He walked over to the bed you guys shared and gingerly placed you down onto the mattress. "I'll get you a glass of water," Steve placed a kiss on the top of your head and left the room.

You watched him until he was out of sight. You quickly pulled out the pregnancy test you took before he helped you with your upset stomach. The test read positive. You gasped and clamped your hand over your mouth.

Steve came back and saw you holding the test. "Y/N?" He set down the glass and walked over to your side.

"Steve, I think...I'm pregnant." You looked at him with wide eyes.

He took a deep breath,"Wow...I'm going to be...a-a father!" You smiled at his reaction and nodded in response. Steve jumped to his feet and started running around the house,"I'm going to be a dad!" He quickly came back to your side and pulled you into a hug. Luckily, you didn't barf on him. "I can't wait to tell the boys," Steve grinned.

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