Ponyboy Curtis

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You entered the library and strutted over to the "fiction" section. You noticed a boy, maybe about your age, examining the books as well. Your eyes wandered over each book, but you couldn't find the one book you were looking for.

"Golly," you whispered and just viewed the books in general.

"Are you looking for something?" The boy asked. You noticed he was carrying a few books underneath his arm.

You sighed,"Yeah. The book I really wanted to read isn't on the shelves." You told him about the book you've been dying to read.

He rose his brows,"this book?"

You gasped and nodded,"yeah!"

"You can take it if you want... I'll check it out another time." He offered you the book.

You hesitated, then an idea came to mind. "How bout one of us checks it out, then we can meet up somewhere to read it together?"

"That sounds good. The name's Ponyboy by the way." He introduced himself and held out a hand for you to shake.

"Y/N," you shook his hand in response.

You and Ponyboy have been meeting up for awhile now. First, you were polite and just wanted to read the book. But as the meetings became more constant, you found yourself crushing on Ponyboy.

You enjoyed listening to him read, it helped you calm down. Before and after the chapter, you two began to interact more. You both exchanged questions to get to know the other person better.

As the two of you reached the last chapter, Ponyboy spoke up. "Y/N? Can I tell you something?"

You nodded,"yeah of course."

He took a deep breath and began turning red in the face,"Ilikeyou."

You were startled,"wait what?"

"I like you," Ponyboy buried his face in his hands. It was clear that he was embarrassed.

You smiled,"ditto."

He looked up,"really?"

You nodded,"Now let's finish this book then get something to eat."

He began reading, his voice grew shaky. You giggled at his nervousness. Once he read the very last word, you placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

Ponyboy let out a small gasp in surprise. You laughed in response and jumped to your feet. He followed your actions.

Together, you walked hand in hand to the Dingo.


hope you like it! requested by @katieweasley394

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