Ponyboy Curtis

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You walked into your homeroom and absentmindedly glanced over at the desk in the back corner. He wasn't there. You sighed and took your usual place in the very front.

The final bell rang and other students began filling up the desks. You took one more look at the certain desk. Someone had taken it. You sighed when you realized it wasn't the person you expected.

Ms. Martin began walking over towards the open door, but when she reached for the handle, a voice called out.

"Wait! Don't close it!" A blond(e)-haired boy ran into the room, almost crashing into the teacher's desk. He panted and took the empty chair next to you.

You blushed furiously when you realized who it was. Ponyboy Michael Curtis. You looked down at your notebook, which was covered in his initials.

"Hey, what was homework?" Ponyboy asked while you quickly opened up to a random page.

"Uh, page twenty-nine in the algebra textbook..." You gulped and pointed at the piece of loose binder paper.

"This is history..." Ponyboy stifled a laugh.

"Oh! Uh, well, I think we're starting a partner project today..." You dropped your head and fiddled with the pen in your hand.

You saw Ponyboy nod in response through your peripheral vision. Ms. Martin cleared her throat, causing everybody to quiet down.

"Alright class, as some of you may know, we're starting a partner project. Now for once, you will be allowed to choose your partner," Ms. Martin explained. Cheers erupted throughout the classroom. You groaned internally, you had no friends in this class.

Ms. Martin continued with instructions and gave us the rest of the period to start the project. Everyone begin pairing up. You looked around hesitantly and met eyes with Pony's.

"Guess it's us two," Pony smiled politely and stuck out his hand,"I'm Ponyboy."

"I know," you shook his hand,"I mean... I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Shall we start brainstorming?" Ponyboy asked. You nodded.

The end-of-the-period bell finally rang. Classmates exited the classroom and you followed behind. You strolled over to your locker and fumbled with it. You got it open and exchanged your history stuff for your language arts books.

"Hey," a familiar boy leaned against the lockers near yours. You turned and saw Ponyboy. "Wanna hang out later? To work on the project?"

You wanted to scream yes. Instead, you calmed yourself,"That sounds great."

"Cool... I'll meet you after school at your locker!" You nodded. He smiled and walked towards his next class. You sighed happily and began walking the other way.


part two coming soon (:
sorry for not updating in a while... school just started and homework has been flooding in...

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