Steve Randle

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You walked into the DX and were immediately greeted by the workers. You scanned the room for Steve and eventually spotted him. You carefully tip-toed towards him and poked his shoulder.

"What?" He said harshly and turned around. He softened once you two met eyes. He smiled,"Didn't know you were visiting."

"That's because I wanted to make it a surprise," you wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled back.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer,"You should surprise me more often."

You laughed and gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. He whined in protest. You playfully rolled your eyes,"I don't want you to get in trouble for slackin'."

"Fine," he sighed and continued his work on a bright red Sting Ray.

"That's a tuff car, who's is it?" You asked and walked around the vehicle.

"Cherry Valance," he replied and tested the car's horn. Golly, it was loud.

"Cherry... Oh, I know her! She's real sweet. Even for a soc," you complimented her being.

"Yeah," Steve responded. You admired him as he checked every square inch of the car. "Alright."

Yep, you thought, he's the love of my life. He looked over at you and smiled. You felt your heart flutter at the gesture. You couldn't express your feelings towards him, because the two of you started dating little over a month ago.

"What's wrong?" Steve was by your side now. "Lot on your mind?" You nodded.

You stood up from his tool box that you've been sitting on,"I'm gonna head home."

Steve walked you out the door. Before you exited, he blurted out,"I love you."

You were surprised,"I love you too, Steve. Golly, I love you a lot."

"I know," Steve smirked. You playfully hit his shoulder and placed another kiss on his lips. "I'll see you," Steve waved to you as you climbed into your car.


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