Ponyboy Curtis

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BSM (brother-sister moments)

"I don't like you that way anymore..."

That phrase repeated itself in your head constantly. It haunted your very soul. He, your ex-boyfriend, asks you on a date to break up with you. He basically lost interest.

You sobbed for hours, draining the liquid from your body. Hours became days, days became weeks... You rarely got out of the house anymore, even though its summer and you don't need to.

Your friends began to worry about you when you didn't show up for a girls night out. Then, your older brothers began to worry.

"Go check on her, I have no experience with heartbroken girls!" You heard Darry whisper-shout.

"I only have experience with girls that like me! You go Ponyboy!" Soda replied.

"B-but---" Pony began to protest.

"Go!" Darry and Soda pushed him into your room.

"Go away," you murmured. You sensed Ponyboy's awkwardness. You and Pony have been semi-close throughout your life. You two were only a year apart.

"I don't know how to comfort you..." Pony confessed and took a seat on your bed. He shifted on the sheets uncomfortably.

"It's okay, I've been through this before." You shrugged.

"Y-you have?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yep," you sighed sadly. The last time someone broke up with you, other than the most recent breakup, you caught him making out with your best friend. You lost two important people in your life that day, three years ago.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I was heartbroken too." Ponyboy admitted.

You turned to look at him,"Really?"

"Really. And, by a soc." Ponyboy laughed sadly.

"That sucks," you replied.

"Yeah, but you know what?" Ponyboy rose his brows. "I got over it. I moved on. It took me a while, but eventually the tears stopped flowing. I started smiling again and went on with my life."

"Easier said than done..." You laughed lightly.

"I know, but trust me. This breakup is one step closer to your soulmate." Ponyboy smiled.

"You think so?"

"I know so." Pony stood up. "I'll let you get some rest."

You nodded,"Thank you Pony."

"Anything for you sis." He closed the door quietly behind him.

"Where'd that come from?" Darry began to whisper loudly again.

"Yeah, that was pretty deep. Who was the soc?" Soda asked.

"I'll tell you later... Hey, I'm thinking about becoming a therapist. You think I'll be good?" Pony joked.

Whata bunch of idiots... You laughed to yourself.


i wouldn't mind having them as brothers tbh
im literally putting off my other prepared fanfics cus i have no ideas how to start them. like i have a star wars fanfic, a supernatural fanfic... but i haven't started any of them, i basically just thought of a good plot and applied it to one of my fandoms oZmdg im dead

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