Johnny Cade

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(requests are very much appreciated!)

(Y/B/F/N means your best friend's name)

Today was supposed to be the best day of your life. Unfortunately, you couldn't spend your birthday with the best person on your life, Johnny.

You were a soc and he was a greaser. So, your relationship was a secret. Of course, you told some of your trustworthy friends. Luckily, they approved of Johnny...after a matter of time.

"Ready?" Your best friend nudged you and began driving off to the movie house. You and your best gals sang along to the different songs on the radio.

You arrived at the movie house minutes later. One of your other best friends bought the tickets and another bought the food. You all went into the assigned theater for the movie.

As you walked in, you spotted familiar greased-heads. Your eyes widened when you realized it was the gang Johnny was in.

"Golly, who let them in," one of your friends giggled. You stared holes into the back of their heads, hoping to recognize Johnny's.

"Is he here?" Y/B/F/N asked.

"I don't think so... I only counted six heads. Hold on ladies, I need to use the restroom." You apologized and scooted out of the row.

You walked into the hallway and spotted Johnny heading your way. You smiled and hesitantly walked up to him. No one was around.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?" Johnny greeted you with a hug.

You smiled,"I can ask you the same... The girls and I wanted to do something small for my birthday."

"Your birthday?" Johnny's eyes got wide,"Your birthday! It's today! Golly, I forgot. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," you assured him,"how bout we blow this popsicle stand?"

Johnny grinned then frowned,"W-What about our social statuses?"

"I'm not worried about that," you said honestly. You grabbed Johnny's hand and walked out the movie house,"Where to?"

"Well, it's your birthday... Wherever you like!" Johnny gave your hand a squeeze and placed a kiss on your cheek.

You repeated the gesture and he turned his head quickly, so he could catch your lips with his. You both blushed and agreed to visit the Dingo.


awh can i have a johnny pls

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