Darrel Curtis

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Dedicated to iloveromanticnovels
another high school darry lolol

You knocked on the front door of Darry's home.

Darry's mom answered the door and smiled,"Y/N! Didn't know you were coming over today!"

"Darry and I were just gonna hang out," you politely smiled back.

"Alright, he's in his room." She pointed to a closed door. "You might need to knock a few times, he's probably asleep."

You nodded and knew what he was actually doing. He was trying to get away from his two younger brothers. You didn't understand why, but you never questioned Darry.

You knocked loudly on his door.

"Go away!" He shouted.

"It's me," you replied. You heard shuffling from behind the door and soon Darry was in front of you.

"Hey, I thought you were one of my brothers." He let you inside his room.

You didn't reply and just collapsed on his bed,"why?"

"Why what?" He laid down next to you.

"Why do you treat your brothers that way?"

"Well..." Darry sighed.

"Whatever the reason, stop. They're your brothers! Do you understand how it pains me to be an only child? It sucks. I'd do anything to have a little sister or brother." You pursed your lips and turned away.

"Okay," he said. "I'll start treating them better."

"Good," you smiled and pecked his cheek.


sorry i didn't know what to do for this lol

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