Sodapop Curtis

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You sat in silence as your oldest brother, Darry, continued to yell at you. Pony and Soda were shrinking nervously behind him, not wanting to make this argument even messier.

"I told you that you couldn't be out after your curfew! Especially with Dally! Golly, who knows what could've happened?" Darry grabbed at his hair, clearly desperate to let out his anger.

"I'm not a child, Darry! Let me be." You scowled and crossed your arms. "Plus, I'm standing here, ain't I? And I'm perfectly fine too."

"So? What if Dally wasn't able to fight off those socs? What if Dally wasn't with you? What if you couldn't protect yourself?" Darry threw his arms into the air in frustration.

You scoffed,"Well, like it or not, I can protect myself. And I really like Dally, and he likes me. I know you don't approve of us, but we don't care!"

Darry frowned,"Go to your room."

"You can't---"

"I said, go to your room!" Darry boomed and practically forced you into the bedroom you shared with Ponyboy.

He shut the door behind you and locked it.

You cried silently to yourself as minutes ticked by. You felt yourself getting hungrier. You knew it was a bad idea to go out of your room after a nasty fight with Darry.

A soft knock sounded from the door,"Y/N?"

"Go away," you mumbled and turned over on the mattress, tugging the blanket closer around you.

The person didn't seem to hear you, and came in anyway. They sat next to you and rubbed your back.

You turned and saw Sodapop with an apologetic look on his face,"Hey."

"I brought you some food," he handed you a plate of chocolate cake. You laughed softly, cake was definitely a comfort food. You munched on the cake gratefully. "Darry loves you, you know that."

"Sure doesn't seem like it," you set down the plate after the mention of the oldest brother.

"We all love you, and we support your choices. We get that you're a young girl in love. We've all been there, maybe Ponyboy... I'm not sure. But, we care for your safety. And we've known Dally for a long time, longer than you've known him. He's a pretty dangerous guy, that's why we've kept him from you. 'Cause we've known about your experiences with bad guys like Dally. We just don't want you to get hurt. Sure, Darry was being harsh, but he was trying to get his point across. You know?" Soda smiled weakly.

You wiped the tears from your cheek and nodded. Soda rarely gave you boy advice, believe it or not, he rarely gave you any advice. But whenever he did, he knew how to persuade you.

"Thanks Soda, I really needed that." You gave him a big hug and went out the room to apologize to Darry.


dedicated to @july419 ! thank you for the idea (: and im sorry if you wanted to see more dally... but i hope you enjoyed this imagine!

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