Steve Randle

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"You sure this'll work, Y/N?" Steve asked as you smoothed out his wrinkled collar.

"You look fine. My parents will love you!" You assured him and knocked on your front door.

Your dad opened it seconds later,"Y/N! I've missed you."

"I missed you too, Dad." You hugged him, which he returned.

Ever since you moved out to be with Steve, you and your parents slightly drifted apart. So, to make amends, you all decided to have dinner.

You and Steve have been dating for couple of months, and he hasn't met your family yet. He wanted to, but you kept stalling it.

"You must be Steve," your dad finally noticed your nervous boyfriend.

"Yes, sir." Steve shook your father's hand.

"Please, both of you, come in." Your dad stepped aside and the two of you stepped in.

You sipped nervously from your glass as your eyes flickered between Steve and your mom. Your mom didn't approve of you moving out, so she sure as hell didn't approve of Steve.

"So, I heard you are into cars." Your dad spoke up to break the tension.

"Yes, sir. I work at the DX." Steve responded, glancing over at your mom.

"You have a job?" Your mom asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Yes, ma'am." Steve cracked a smile. "I'm saving up, so Y/N and I have a good future."

"That's sweet of you to think of Y/N," your mom loosened up and rested her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Well, I'd like to make her Mrs. Randle someday." Steve placed a comforting hand on yours.

You blushed furiously and turned away.

"He's a keeper." You heard your mom whisper to your dad.


hey guys! im in d.c. & superrrr excited! i won't be on as much cus ill be busy and might not have wifi... anyways, love yall!

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