Johnny Cade

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Warning: Sadness overload (well, for me lol)

"Y/N, a dear friend to Johnny and Dallas, would like to share a few words as well." Soda stepped away from the center of the elevated floor.

You took a hesitant step towards the center of the stage. Fellow greasers were staring back at you. "Uh, hi. I'm Y/N, and well, these two boys meant a lot to me. I'm sure they meant a lot to you too... I remember the first time I met Johnny. He was in the lot one night, crying alone. I don't know why I was out late, but maybe it was a sign."

Soda nodded for you to continue.

"Johnny and I grew closer ever since. He introduced me to his friends, which is how I met Dally. Believe it or not, Dally actually didn't hit on me. I wasn't sure why until Johnny came up to me a couple of months later. H-he...he, uhm." You were beginning to cry. "He told me...that he loved me. More than he loves his parents. B-but, I thought he meant it in a friendly way. So, I said it back with no meaning."

You were silent for a few moments.

"Then, he disappeared and passed away." Your sobs became heavier. "I never had the chance to say it back. I-I didn't get to show or tell him how much I loved Johnny. So Johnny? If you're looking over us right now, just know that I love you so much. Fuck," you wiped your tears and ran out the small funeral room.

Life isn't fair...


aw man
i always give myself feels omfg

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