Johnny Cade

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"I mean, he's my best friend. Would he like me back? Maybe I'm friendzoned..." You sighed and doodled Johnny's name on your math notebook.

Darry, the closest person you had to a brother, chuckled. "All you kids in love... It's amusing. Have you asked him?"

"I never said love! And, if I asked if he likes me or if he likes someone?" You set down your pencil and rested your chin on the palm of your hand.

"Both," Darry smirked and twirled your pencil between his fingers.

"All I know is that I like Johnny," you frowned and stood up from the Curtis household's couch. "I'm going for a walk, you know, to clear my mind."

"Alright, if you get kicked out again, just head over here." Darry rubbed his hand on your head, messing up your hair. You swatted his hand away and walked out the door.

You turned to close the door and jumped when you saw someone hiding. It was Johnny. He straightened up and his eyes widened. He slowly relaxed and came out from his hiding spot.

"J-Johnny... Hey," you shifted nervously. You hoped he didn't hear anything you said.

"Hi Y/N," his voice cracked. He cleared his throat and he said wearily,"Going for a walk?"

You nodded. Ever since you started accepting your feelings for him, it's been awkward between the two of you.

"Wanna join?" You offered, hoping to restore the comfortable friendship between you two. He smiled and followed behind you.

Johnny hooked his thumbs into his jean pockets and looked around. It was as if he's never been in his own neighborhood before, and was just exploring it for the first time.

"What's wrong?" You asked as he started to bite on his lip. He always did that whenever he was overthinking something or if he was nervous.

"I-I don't know," Johnny shrugged and kicked around a rock.

You shivered and sighed,"Oh."

"Is everything alright with your folks?" He asked, but didn't seem to meet your gaze.

"They're finally divorcing," you let out a sad laugh. "How 'bout you?"

"Same old thing... Hey, Y/N? Could I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I like a girl... And I'm not sure if she would go for me." Johnny glanced over at you.

You felt your heart speed up,"Oh?"

"Yeah." He looked away again.

"Any girl would be lucky to be with you, Johnny." You reassured him.

"You think so?" Johnny smiled. You nodded. "Then..." He quickly leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips.

Your eyes widened in surprise, but you quickly let the moment process in your mind. You smiled into the physical contact.

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