Johnny Cade

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You looked over at Johnny, sleeping softly underneath the dim moonlight. You two decided to have a sleep over at your house, since his parents were fighting again.

You and Johnny have been friends forever. So you were comfortable sleeping in the same bed as him.

Suddenly, he woke up. Sweat beaded his forehead as he looked over at you. He sighed in relief and lay back down.

"Is everything alright?" You asked worriedly.

"Yeah," he sniffled and scooted closer towards you.

You snuggled into his warmth,"I love you."

He stiffened,"Y-you do?"

"Yeah, you're my best friend." You smiled innocently.

He nodded,"Oh...I love you too."

"Good," you laughed and slowly drifted into sleep.

Little did you know, he was hopelessly in love with you as more than a friend.


just a short little johnny imagine awh

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