Sodapop Curtis

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dedicated to @wrtingforever1 and @Random_Legitness
I combined your two requests together (:

Sodapop, your boyfriend of three years, has been coming home late these few days. You wondered why, and you were getting upset that he hasn't given you a realistic reason.

Tonight, you were going to stand up to him. You weren't going to sit around worrying that he might be cheating on you.

It was around midnight when he showed up.

"Y/N, I'm home!" Soda called into the household. Luckily, you were awake. You would've been pissed if he woke you up randomly during the night.

"Where've you been?" You asked, your voice cracked slightly.

"Work," he replied simply.

"Are you sure there isn't more to that?" You frowned. He nodded in response. "I don't believe you. Listen, if you aren't happy with me... Then just leave! Whoever you've been sneaking around with deserves you more than I do." You let a few tears slip from your eyes.

"Y/N, no it's not---" he began to explain but you cut him off.

"Just leave!" You pointed towards the door. Sodapop bowed his head and left the shared house.

You sat on the couch and took a deep breath. You just lost him...

Weeks have passed since you kicked Sodapop out. He hasn't even come back to pick up his stuff. During the start of the fourth week of loneliness, the doorbell rang for the first time.

You assumed it was your friend that promised to check up on you. You opened the door hesitantly, it was Soda.

"Hey," he said almost inaudibly.

"Hi," you responded lamely.

"I...You...deserve an explanation." He took off his baseball cap that covered his head. His hair was shaved neatly.

"I don't understand," you shook your head.

"I've been coming home late because of, well, I was drafted." He said.

You clasped your hands over your mouth, begging yourself not to break down. Too late. Tears poured down your cheeks as Sodapop came to comfort you.

"You're leaving me?" You gasped.

"I'm afraid so." He replied, holding you close to his chest.

You two sat in sad comfort, just holding each other as you cried your heart out.

"I love you," he whispered and kissed your forehead multiple times.

"I love you too," you mumbled.

Days later, Sodapop was shipped to war, leaving you stranded in your home once more.


not gonna be doing a part 2 for this imagine :):

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