Steve Randle

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"Hey Y/N, you wanna hang?" Steve, your best friend, asked through the phone.

Your fingers tangled themselves with the cords of the phone,"Sorry, can't." You looked over at your little sister, who was currently messing around with a toy.

"Why not?" He sounded disappointed.

"Babysitting," you sighed.

"Really? Can I still come over?" Steve asked excitedly.

You laughed, knowing how much he adores little Charlotte. "Sure."

"Alright, be there in a few."

He wasn't lying. He showed up minutes later. So, the three of you decided to go to the park.

You were currently holding Charlotte's hand, and Steve was holding her other. You swung her back and forth slightly, to make the walk seem more exciting.

When you reached the park, Charlotte pointed furiously at the swings. Steve picked her up and ran towards the smaller swings.

"Be careful!" You shouted after them, and soon followed.

After a long while, Charlotte grew tired and wanted to take a nap. Steve carried her in his arms, while you admired them.

"Sorry, but just wanted to tell you two... You two and your daughter are so adorable." A woman carrying her own child came up to you and Steve.

You blushed,"O-oh! No, we're---"

"Thank you, m'am." Steve cut you off and smiled politely at the woman. She nodded and left.

"Steve?" You were shocked by his response.

"Hey, what can I say? I think we look pretty cute together too." Steve smirked.


dead inside
lol i have no good ideas so comment requests yoooo

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