Johnny Cade

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"Ready?" Your dad smiled sadly at you. You nodded and clutched onto the flower bouquet. Your mother took one arm and your father took the other. Both of your parents knew about your uncertain and mixed feelings for your future husband.

The bridal song began, and doors opened to reveal you. You walked slowly down the red carpet of the church, doing your best to keep a smile on.

Your eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to lock with your best friend. No sight of Johnny anywhere. You sighed silently as you reached your fiancé.

He smiled brightly at you, oblivious to the fact that you weren't feeling happy at the moment. You pursed your lips and waited for this ceremony to be over with.

"If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." The minister glanced around the crowd for a split second. "You may now kiss the bride."

You future husband leaned towards you, but quickly pulled away when someone bursted into the church.

"Stop!" A familiar voice objects. You look up and see Johnny, sweat beading every piece of his clothing. "Stop!" He shouted again.

"Wha---" your husband furrowed his brows.

You smiled and rushed down to meet him,"Johnny..."

"I know you don't love him, Y/N. Please runaway with me." Johnny begged, nervously shifting in his spot.

You looked towards the front of the church. Your fiancé was shocked. Your parents were edging you to follow your heart. You turned towards Johnny again.

"So?" Johnny bit his lip.

"Let's go."


so if you check my message board you'll see why i deleted my fanfic lol

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