Darrel Curtis

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"Ponyboy, could you stay behind for a moment?" You called as other students began leaving your classroom.

"Uh, sure Ms. Y/L/N," he walked over awkwardly.

"Is everything alright? Your grades have been dropping in my class, and you're not a bad student..." You said, handing him one of the past tests.

He hesitantly took the paper,"I'm sorry, miss. I'll try my hardest next time," he promised.

"Ponyboy, you have too many F's right now! I have to have a meeting with your legal guardian." You started heading towards the door.

"Golly, really?" He groaned.

"Yes, really. I'll be calling home at the end of the school day." You stated and gestured for him to go to his next class.

"Fine, could I at least get a note?" Ponyboy asked hopefully.

"Sure," you sighed and wrote him a note so he would be excused for being tardy.

You examined your desk and straightened any loose papers you could find. You sat silently in your empty classroom. Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door. You quickly stood up and walked over to the door. You couldn't see who the person was, since you covered the window. You were surprised when you saw a boy you recognized.

"Uh, can I help you?" You asked, his name was on the top of your tongue.

"I'm Darry, Ponyboy's oldest brother." He said.

"Oh, well, are you the legal guardian of him?" You immediately remembered Darrel Curtis. He was the star football player during your years in high school. You had the biggest crush on him, but you never spoke up.

"Yes, m'am," he nodded and took a seat in the front desk. You blushed and grabbed Ponyboy's past failed papers.

"Well, his grades have been drop---"

"What?" Darry's voice boomed, causing you to drop the papers by accident. "Golly, I'm sorry, Ms. Y/L/N."

You sighed,"It's quite alright. Call me Y/N."

The two of you began picking up the papers, until there was one left on the ground. Both of you went to grab it, which caused you two to brush arms. You pulled away quickly and thanked him for the help.

"Is there anyway he can raise his grades?" He cleared his throat.

"Well," you began to explain to him about the extra credit.

He nodded along, understanding every word you said. "Great! I'll tell him about it, Y/N. Thank you."

"Just looking out for my students," you smiled politely.

"I-I know its been a while since high school," Darry spoke up as the two of you started walking towards the parking lot.

"Wait, what?"

"Let me finish," he joked and continued,"I remember you from high school, Y/N. I remember when Corey said you liked me, but I didn't believe it. So, I never took a risk. But, things have changed and maybe I'm willing to take a risk now?"

"Darry, are you asking me out on a date?" You couldn't control the smug smile creeping up your face.

"Maybe," he returned the smile.

"Well, then maybe I'm willing to take a risk as well."



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