Johnny Cade

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Dedicated to Greaserbabe
TW: Suicide / suicidal thoughts, depression.
Remember, I'm always here to talk you guys. Cus, you know, I LOVE YOU ALL ok enough blabbering here's the imagine...

Tears ran down your cheeks. They continued on flowing as you hesitantly pulled the gun out of your pocket.

Today was the day. Today was your last day on this earth. Today was going to be the last time you took a breath.

Everything has been so stressful. Your parents decided on a divorce, your childhood pet passed away, your boyfriend broke up with you, your best friend has been ignoring you... You just decided it wasn't worth it anymore, life wasn't worth living.

You shakily held the gun in your right hand, and your suicide note in your left. You didn't tell anybody where you had disappeared to, so you expected no one to look for you.

The lot was peaceful during the evening. A slight breeze blew through the air. The sun was just starting to sent. It was beautiful.

You began to countdown from ten. You could feel your heart speed up and beat out of your chest. You slowly held the gun up to your temple.

"Y/N? Y/N!" A familiar voice called out to you. "What in the world do you think you're doing?

Your eyes popped open. Johnny, your best friend who was ignoring you, rushed over to you.

"Johnny..." You collapsed into his arms. "Golly, I-I just..."

Johnny hushed you and held you close. He gingerly took the gun from your grip and placed it on the ground at a reasonable distance.

"I couldn't take it, Johnny. I couldn't. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." You sobbed even harder. What had you been thinking? You were going to end your life. No one should go through that pain...

"Y/N, it's okay. I should've been there for you. You wouldn't understand the pain I would've gone through if you left me. I love you, Y/N. I can't imagine losing you." Johnny confessed and wiped away your tears with his thumbs.

You sniffed and calmed yourself,"You do?"

"Yes, I do. So do your parents. And your friends. So many people love you Y/N." Johnny said.

"I-I never realized," you admitted.

"Come on, let's go to the Nightly Double. I heard they're playing your favorite movie." Johnny helped you stand up. He kicked the gun underneath a pile of garbage and walked with you out the lot.


im sad now but ?!!!?!?

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