Darrel Curtis

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BSM (Brother Sister Moments)

You rushed home after finding out that your boyfriend of two years cheated on you. You bursted into the living room and was greeted by seven worried-looking boys.

"What's wrong? Is everything alright? Have you been crying? What happened? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Do I have to beat someone up?" The boys attacked you with questions.

"Just leave me alone!" You shouted and shut them up. You wiped your cheeks from the tears and stormed into your room.

You collapsed onto your bed and let out a heavy sob. Between your cries, you had to take deep breaths from the lack of oxygen in your body.

As you settled down and was on the verge of passing out, a soft knock sounded on your door.

"Go away," you mumbled and turned your back towards the bedroom door.

"It's me, Y/N." Your brother, Darry, said in a soft voice. You didn't answer. You felt his presence hover over your body. He sat down on your bed and your backs pressed against each other. "What happened?"

"Nothing," you lied.

Darry sighed,"does it have to do with your boyfriend?"

"ex-boyfriend," you corrected him and erupted into tears again. You were surprised that you still had the energy to become upset. After all the crying you had done, you thought you'd be practically dehydrated.

Darry thought the same idea and offered you some water. You declined. He set the cup of water down onto your bedside table and laid down on his back.

You still didn't look at him, because you were facing the other way while on your side.

The two of you laid there for awhile, listening to each other's breathing and heart beat.

Finally, Darry spoke up,"I'm going to beat him up you know."

You shrugged,"I don't care." You laid in silence and eventually began drifting off into sleep.

You felt darry place a kiss on your head before turning the lights off in your room. Once he did so, you passed out from exhaustion.

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