Johnny Cade

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dedicated to @slpanda

You sat in the back of Dally's car, along with the "missing" Johnny Cade in the front and Ponyboy Curtis next to you.

The four of you were riding back up to the abandoned church to get Johnny and Ponyboy's belongings.

Your eyes widened at the sight before you,"a fire."

"We've gotta do something," Johnny said heroically.

You looked worriedly between the three boys,"the firefighters should be here soon."

"But, we're here now! I'm going in." Johnny stepped out of the car.

"Get yourself back into the car, dammit!" Dally pounded the heel of his hand onto the steering wheel.

Johnny, with Ponyboy tagging along, went into the fiery building. You looked nervously at Dally. He groaned and followed the boys, but stood outside.

You both helped the children out of the burning church.

"That's the last one!" Ponyboy shouted through the open hole.

"Come on!" Dally shouted back and took Pony by the arm and dragged him out. You turned away when you heard a scream.


You took a deep breath and stormed into the church. Protests tried to hold you back, but you continued to walk through the crumbling room.

"Johnny?" You wheezed and nearly fell into a hole in the floor.

"Y/N! Help!" He tried his best to shout to you.

It was a bad idea, but it's the only one you had.

"Take my hand!" You threw yourself onto the floor.

"What?" He looked cautiously at your hand. "You need to get out of here!"

"Not without you! Hurry, the roof is caving in." You gestured for him to obey you.

Luckily, he did. With all your strength, you pulled him up. The momentum carried both of you out the door and into the arms of Dally.

"You two dumbasses almost got yourselves killed! I would've died if you did!" Dally's eyes shot furiously between you and Johnny.

"We ain't dead yet, Dal." Johnny coughed before collapsing onto the floor.

Days have passed since Ponyboy and Johnny saved the children from the burning house. Both of them were recovering, as well as you.

The nurses and doctors claimed that the four of you were allowed to leave in one piece.

"Thank you," Johnny said as you two walked out of the hospital. The rest of the gang were in front of you guys, all talking excitedly about what they've done and the rumble about to go on.

"I couldn't let you die," you replied simply.

"I was so certain. I was about to give up. But, when I heard your voice...I didn't want to die anymore." Johnny confessed.

You were taken back by his words, but oddly warmed. "I'm glad you're alive."

Johnny smiled,"yeah, me too."

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