Ponyboy Curtis

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dedicated to FangirlFrazier thank you for your patience!!

"Ready to go?" Ponyboy asked as you began to finish up your dinner. You nodded and the two of you split the bill. He smiled and lent you a hand as you slipped smoothly out the booth.

You both decided to take the long way back to your house, it was usually quiet and peaceful that route. Ponyboy's fingers were intertwined with yours, and no matter how many times you claimed that your hands were sweaty, he didn't mind.

As you two turned a corner, you saw a silhouette of a lump in the middle of the road. Confused and curious, you tugged Ponyboy closer to the figure.

"You sure this is safe, Y/N?" Ponyboy asked hesitantly.

"What if it's hurt?" You responded and made out a hurt dog. You gasped and rushed over to it's side, trying to relieve it's pain.

The dog whimpered as you examined it's body.

"We need to find help," you stroked the dog's head gingerly. "Please."

Ponyboy, reluctant at first, lifted the dog into his arms as carefully as he could. The dog yelped, but settled into Pony's arms.

"Come on, my house isn't too far. We can call a veterinarian." You urged for Ponyboy to walk faster.

Once you reached your house, you went immediately to the phone. As you told the animal hospital about the situation, they sent professionals to your address.

Ponyboy was trying his best to comfort the hurt animal as you walked back into the living room.

He rose an eyebrow when you took a seat next to him.

"They're sending help," you smile sadly at him, then at the dog.

"If no one claims him, maybe we could adopt him?" Pony asked hopefully.

You nodded,"I don't know how that would work out..but yeah. I'd like that." Ponyboy sent you a reassuring smile and placed a kiss on your cheek.

The helpers came a few minutes later, knocking on your door feverishly. You opened it and guided them to the dog. They examined the wounds before claiming to take it back to the hospital.

Weeks have passed, and the dog was proclaimed healthy. Your parents gladly decided to adopt the dog, which you named Ian, and Pony would visit regularly to see how his favorite animal was doing.



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