Ponyboy Curtis

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"I'm gonna take a nap," you said tiredly and fell onto Ponyboy's bed.

"Alright, have fun with that." He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and helped you get comfortable.

"Mm, thanks." You mumbled and closed your eyes. He closed the door behind him inaudibly and walked into the living room.

After about ten minutes of sleeping, you had to use the bathroom. You lazily got up and walked towards the nearby restroom.

"So Pony, how're things with Y/N?" You heard Steve ask. You sneaked a glance into the living room and saw all seven boys. You quickly hid when Dally turned your way.

"Amazing honestly," Ponyboy sighed dreamily.

"Come on Pony, give us some details." Sodapop teased his younger brother.

"Well, I'm hoping to marry her someday." Pony admitted.

"Marry? Ponyboy, you're fourteen." Darry scoffed.

"I said hoping and someday, golly." Ponyboy laughed. The other boys chorused along.

You clamped a hand to your mouth. You tried to conceal a scream, but you let out a little grunt.

"Anyways, I'm going to check up on her." Ponyboy said and you heard his footsteps come closer.

You rushed back to his bedroom and pretended to be asleep. Pony opened the door and walked towards your side. You felt him brush your hair out of your face.

Hopefully he didn't see how red your face was.


okaaay today was the last day of my D.C. trip... im so sad )):
im on a plane heading home now & i feel awk cus one of my classmates saw/watched me write this lol
and im not sure if it's like social anxiety or something but im sitting between two strangers and i almost started crying cus almost everybody else got to sit next to someone they knew ugh and like idk i was lowkey nervous
anyways, i got lazy and didn't write a lot of imagines lol

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