Darrel Curtis

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You sat on the couch lazily, trying to find a good TV show to watch. You sighed and continued to make inhuman sounds.

"Hey Darry---" Sodapop, Darrel's brother, walked into the living room. "Oh, hey Y/N."

You gave him a small wave before returning your attention to the television.

"Where's Darry?" Soda sat next to you.

You shrugged,"On a date."

"That's good!" Sodapop chirped, then realized what happened. "Wait, no offense, but why are you here if Darry's not here?"

"We were supposed to hang out...till he remembered about his date." You groaned and let the cushion swallow you. "I told him I would wait."

"Oh...you must really like my brother huh?" Soda said.

Your eyes widened,"What? Uh, what made you assume that?"

"It's pretty obvious... Don't worry, your secret is safe with me!" Sodapop gave you a dazzling smile.

You sighed and shrugged,"If it's so obvious... Then how come he isn't with me? Selfish, I know. I think I love him, Soda."

"Love who?" An all-too-familiar voice asked and shut the front door.

"Nobody!" You and Soda exclaimed in response. Darry furrowed his brows and set his jacket on the couch.

"So, how'd your date go?" Soda asked, nonchalantly.

Darry sighed,"She was never into me. She was trying to get closer to you." He pointed at Soda.

Soda shrugged,"I'm sorry, can't help my cuteness."

Darry shook his head, lightly laughing,"It's quite alright. I'm used to girls using me."

"I would never use you," you replied. "I mean, I know someone who would never use you." You awkwardly coughed. You looked at Soda and saw him giving you a thumbs up before leaving the room.

"Oh yeah? Who?" Darry sat down next to you.

You shifted around nervously,"Me..."

Darry stifled a laugh,"Oh?"

You frowned and tears blurred your vision,"I mean it, Darry. And you're the one I love. I had to watch you throughout the years, chasing girls who didn't chase you back. I wanted to be the one you cared about, Darry."

"Y/N... I do care about you."

"But in the way I care about you?" You felt the tears falling onto your cheek.

Darry took a deep breath and smiled,"I've always loved you, Y/N. I was too afraid to admit it, so I tried my best to move on."

"Even if I didn't feel the same, you should've told me." You smiled, trying to keep your excitement bottled up.

"I know," Darry grinned,"But at least I can do this know." He leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on your lips. You melted into his touch and placed a hand on his cheek to deepen the kiss.

"Golly, I was trying to get a glass of chocolate milk and I see this!" You two heard Ponyboy gag.

You and Darry pulled away, laughing hysterically at Ponyboy.

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