Ponyboy Curtis

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Dedicated to @stayinggoldx
Thank you for the request and for waiting (:

You swiped your hands across each other, trying to clear the dust from them. You finished unpacking most of your room. You looked around and sighed. Moving was a pain.

You sneezed abruptly. You quickly wiped your nose and opened a window. It still felt stuffy. So, you decided to go for a walk.

"Mom? I'm going for a walk," you shouted into the living room.

"Okay!" She shouted back from the nearby kitchen.

You went outside and took a deep breath, causing you to sneeze again. You shook it off and began your walk.

You weren't used to this neighborhood so you didn't worry when a car pulled up next to you.

"Hey lady, are you new here? 'Cause I haven't seen a pretty face like yours in awhile..." A boy sitting in the driver's seat flashed a smile.

You flushed red, clearly flattered from the compliment,"Oh, why, yes. I just moved in a couple of days ago."

"Hey, how bout you can move in my house and we'll share a bed." A different boy smirked, earning high fives from the others in the car.

Okay, you were thrown off by that. "Uh..." You began walking faster now, afraid something's going to happen.

"Where are you going? Come back, we ain't finished with you yet." The driver kept up with your speed.

You broke out into a run, but they already saw it coming. When you reached the crosswalk, they blocked off your path with their shiny Mustang.

They all got out of the car, slowly making their way towards you.

"Bye Darry! Bye Soda!" You heard a voice yell from nearby. You looked around frantically and saw a boy about your age.

He ran over to your side,"Hey..what's going on here?"

"Beat it, you greaser scum." The boy that was in the passenger seat scowled.

The boy from the nearby house frowned,"Not with that attitude. Now, I don't appreciate you guys talking to my cousin like that." He winked at you.

Suddenly, you felt your heart flutter at the gesture.

"This true?" The driver rose a brow.

You nodded,"Yeah."

The boys looked at each other as if exchanging secret messages with their eyes.

"Man, let's go. They ain't worth it." The driver spit at the ground and headed back for the car. They all piled in and drove away.

You sighed in relief,"Thank you so much."

"It's no problem. My name's Ponyboy."

"I'm Y/N, I moved here a couple of days back."

"No wonder I saw a moving truck earlier," Ponyboy laughed.

You continued your walk with Ponyboy. Turns out, you two have more in common than you thought.

"Hey, Y/N? I know we just met and all..." Ponyboy said nervously after a moment of silence.

"What is---" he cut you off by giving you a kiss.

You were beyond surprised.

"I'm sorry, I just had to." Ponyboy apologized.

"I-it's okay," you blushed. "I should get going."

"Yeah, me too." Ponyboy and you awkwardly waved goodbye's, but with smiles on your faces.


agh ik i promised i would update a lot today but i forgot how busy i was and aaaghh but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATT DILLON

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