Dallas Winston

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You and Dally have been dating for a while now, but he hasn't said those three words yet. It bothered you, even though it shouldn't. So, you decided to take matters into your own hands.

Dally clutched your hand loosely, letting your arms swing back in forth. You two decided to go out for lunch at the Dingo.

You smiled at him, causing him to smile back. Yep, you were definitely in love with him. You couldn't wait to tell him how much you did. Coincidentally, today was your five month anniversary.

After your guys' lunch date, Dally walked you home.

"See you soon, Y/N." Dally gave you a kiss on the cheek before walking away.

"Dally, wait!" You stopped him before he reached the sidewalk. "I love you."

It took you ten seconds to realize he wasn't going to say it back. You erupted into tears of embarrassment and ran inside your house.

Before you went inside, Dally caught up with you.

"Y/N..." Dally began.

"No, it's okay. You don't love me. I shouldn't have even mentioned it." You shrugged.

"No, it's not okay. I do love you, Y/N. I love your hair. I love the way you smile. I love your laugh. I love your personality. I love it when you blush whenever I kiss you on the cheek. I love everything about you." Dally smiled sheepishly as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.

You smiled back,"You do?" He nodded. "Aw, Dally."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. He smiled into the kiss and placed his hands on your waist.


ok so last night i was spammed with votes and i want to say THANK YOUUU
also, i reached 10k reads!!! omg im so excited aaaaah

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