Sodapop Curtis

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You watched Sodapop move from car to car in the DX. The sleeves of his uniform was cut off. His forehead was beaded with sweat. Some may think it was gross, but to you, it was hot.

Soda caught you staring and winked at you. You squealed inside and felt your heart speed up. You dangled your legs from the table you were sitting on. He strolled over with a towel around his neck.

"Hey cutie," Soda smiled and placed his hands on either side of you.

"Hi," you breathed out and smiled back. You wrapped your arms around his towel-covered neck and giggled.

"Soda! Stop messing with your girlfriend and get back to work," you heard Steve scold. The two of you laughed and Soda moved away from you.

You groaned in response, you expected a kiss before he continued to work. As if he read your mind, he leaned in and placed a long, passionate kiss on your lips.

"Alright," Soda took a while to open his eyes after the display of affection. He let out a sigh of happiness,"I'll meet you after my shift." You smiled and nodded. With that, he blew you a kiss and walked over to a car.

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