Johnny Cade

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"Johnny! I'm home!" You shouted as you placed your bag on the couch. You took off your coat and draped it over a chair. "Johnny?"

You frowned when you didn't receive an answer. You suspected him to be out with his greaser gang, so you prepared a snack for yourself. As you munched on a bowl of cereal, you went into your room to change.

You passed by the bathroom and heard a stifled sob. You curiously peeked through the crack of the open door and saw Johnny. He was on the tile floor, shaking silently as he cried. His hands covered his face as his tears dripped onto the floor.

You rushed towards him and sat him up,"Johnny!" His face was covered in cuts and bruises. You clasped your hands over your mouth.

"I'm sorry," Johnny inhaled sharply and exhaled deeply.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," you smoothed his hair back before receiving the first aid kit.

You cleaned up his wounds and placed bandages in multiple areas. You led him towards the bed you two shared, and gingerly placed him down.

He smiled gratefully and took in a deep breath as he laid on his back. He closed his eyes, attempting to sleep.

You pursed your lips and let out a small sigh. You wondered how this happened.

"I was jumped," he answered the question that practically hovered in the air. "A whole group of 'em. I was scared stiff. I got my knife out too slowly. They attacked me."

"That's horrible, why is this world so messed up?" You shook your head sadly.

"Exactly what I was thinking," Johnny sighed.

"I'll make sure no one will ever hurt you again," you promised him.

He nodded slowly before hesitantly saying,"I love you."

You blushed and smiled,"I know."


Star Wars reference lmaoo
sorry for not updating! it's been hectic this past week

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