Two-Bit Matthews

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You were walking home late at night. Your stupid soc boyfriend thought it was a good idea to cheat on you. He thought it was even better that it was your best friend.

You let out an angry sigh and continued strolling down the street. Your house was a few blocks away from your ex-boyfriend's house. Even though you didn't live far, you were terrified of getting jumped.

A pair of headlights shone on you as you kept walking calmly.

"Hey lady, you lost?" You recognized the soc's voice.

And you immediately became annoyed,"Get outta here Kevin."

The car was right by your side now, watching each step you took.

"Not till yous give me a kiss," he laughed and high fived the other socs in the car.

"Never in a million years," you scoffed and began walking faster now. You reached a crosswalk, but the Mustang blocked you off. "Go away!" You frowned and walked around the car.

Before you could fully cross the street, Kevin grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back. "I'm not letting you go that easily," he growled into your ear and leaned in to kiss you.

You squirmed and tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong for you. "Help!" You screamed before he silenced you.

"Shut it, broad." Kevin slapped you in the face. You gasped in pain and could feel your cheek burning.

"Step away from her," an unfamiliar voice said. Kevin quickly let go of you, giving you the chance to run to the other side of the crosswalk.

"Who do ya think you are greaser?" Kevin strutted over towards the unfamiliar man.

"None of your business. But how bout you leave that poor girl alone?" The boy pointed to you. You shook in fear.

"Make me," Kevin retorted and lunged at the boy. The greaser swiftly swung at Kevin's face and knocked him out.

He picked Kevin up and dropped him in the Mustang,"Get outta here." The other socs nodded frantically and drove away. The greaser made sure they were out of sight before coming over to you. "You okay?" He asked and examined the redness of your cheek.

You nodded,"Yes. Thank you."

"No problem, what's your name?" He asked.

You hesitated,"Y-Y/N."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl like you. How bout I walk you home?" The greaser offered. You thought about it for awhile. You didn't really trust him, but he did save you from those disgusting socs.

You shrugged,"I'd like that." He smiled and gestured for you to lead the way. You began walking by his side.

"The name's Two-Bit, by the way." He introduced himself.

"That's a cool name," you said. You both continued walking in silence. Fortunately, there was no trouble on the walk home afterwards.

Once you reached your house, you turned to Two-Bit. "Thank you," you blushed and began walking up the stairs to your house.

"It's my pleasure...wait!" Two-Bit called. You turned around, waiting for him to continue speaking. Two-Bit stuffed his hands into his pockets,"Maybe...maybe we'll see each other again?"

You nodded and smiled,"When I'm in the neighborhood, I'll shout your name."

Two-Bit smiled back,"Alright. Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Two-Bit," you waved and walked into your home.

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