Two-Bit Matthews

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"Wow," you said breathlessly as you walked into your new house. Two-Bit followed behind you closely while holding a box labeled 'Kitchen.'

"This is really happening," Two-Bit laughed while awestruck. He placed the box into the kitchen. "We're gonna have to put a lot of work into this house."

"It'll be worth it in the end," you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his chest.

"Definitely," he smiled down at you before placing a kiss on your forehead. "What should we do first?"

"Let's try unpacking everything," you giggled and pulled away from him.

You smiled happily as you dipped your fingers into the blue paint. You concentrated on making something as simple as a smiley face, but failed horribly when Two-Bit tickled you from behind.

"You ruined my masterpiece!" You pouted playfully.

"Aw, it's alright, Picasso." He chuckled, but his laughter quickly faded when you flicked blue paint onto his white shirt. He gasped and dipped a nearby paintbrush into the purple paint.

The two of you began to have a paint fight, splattering the walls artistically as you two chased each other. You stopped abruptly to take a breath, causing Two-Bit to run into you.

You both laughed hysterically on the floor while trying to regain your breath as well. You could feel Two-Bit's heart thumped quickly on your chest as he peered into your eyes.

The distance between your faces disappeared quickly, but reappeared when you slapped a freshly dipped hand onto his back.

"Oh, you are so going to regret that." Two-Bit threatened you with a wink and the whole chase restarted.


oops sorry for not posting but ily all!!
ive been getting into kpop (seventeen to be exact) and i have an idea of what au(s) to do hnnnng
I need to get these imagines & fanfics done ugguguguffug

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