Sodapop Curtis

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dedicated to @wrtingforever1

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go now." You tapped nervously on your friend's shoulder.

She turned around, her laugh way more annoying than usual. "Okay," she dragged out the word before turning back around.

You smoothed out the bottom of your skirt and tightened your high ponytail. You made your way through the crowd of the party, trying to the find the front door.

Once you reached fresh air, you broke out into a fast walk. You knew how dangerous it could be walking in the streets as a soc girl.

"Well, what if we got here?" A rough sounding voice snarled as you crossed an empty lot.

You gulped,"I was just finding my way home."

"Lost, aren't ya? Say, how bout me and my friend help ya out..." He laughed darkly, walking towards you while being followed by another figure.

"No thank you, I'm sure I can find it myself." You took a step back, looking at the possible exits from this situation. Before you knew it, they each grabbed you by the arm.

"Now, missy, which rich family do you belong to?" The other greaser wondered and laughed.

You wriggled in their grips, screaming as they dragged you away. One of them let go of you for a second to slap you.

"Shut it, broad!" He growled.

You whimpered, but obeyed.

"Do we have a problem here?" Someone stepped out of a nearby house. "Well, do we?"

"No, sir. We're just talking our little girl for a walk." Your captors replied innocently.

"You sure? She seems frightened out of her panties," he rose a brow and stepped closer to you. "You okay, miss?"

You looked nervously between the two boys who still had a grip on you. You looked back at the stranger, his warm eyes welcoming you. You pleaded him to help you, your eyes trying to communicate with him.

"Let go of her," his brows furrowed as his looked at the two other greasers.

"What?" One of them blinked,"no way!"

"She's ours," the other almost ripped your arm out of your socket for pulling you closer to him.

"She isn't property," your potential savior's eyes turned protective. Before you knew it, the two boys capturing you were knocked to the ground.

You sighed in relief,"Thank you so much."

"No problem, I'm Soda." He held out a hand for you to shake. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm Y/N, and I'm fine. Thank you." You began to walk away.

"Wait, let me walk you home." Soda offered. You nodded and smiled.

You two ended up talking for a long time. You both didn't want this night to end, but you didn't care. You and Soda saw each other a couple of more times before he asked you out officially.

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