Two-Bit Matthews

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You walked into the Dingo and your eyes immediately locked onto a boy with a Mickey Mouse shirt. He was laughing his heart out.

Your heart was warmed by the sight of happiness. You quickly turned away when you two met eyes.

"Y/N! Stop staring and order," one of your friends called. You stepped up to the cashier and told them what you wanted.

You and your friends found a booth close to the Mickey Mouse boy. He seemed to be with his greaser gang as well.

Once you received your food, you began to walk towards the door. But a hand on your shoulder stopped you.

You turned around and came face to face with Mickey Mouse boy.

"I saw you walk in and I immediately knew that I had to talk to you," he said.

You blushed,"Oh?"

", I was wondering if you maybe would like to hang out? Tomorrow?" He asked hesitantly.

You pretended to think about it,"Hmm...alright."

He pumped a fist into the air,"Awesome! So, uh, tomorrow? Here? Twelve pm?"

You nodded,"Sounds like a plan!"

"Wait, my name's Two-Bit." He introduced himself before you walked out the door.

"Y/N," you replied. And with that, the two of you bid goodbye until tomorrow came.


200+ reads?!?! thank you guys so much omg

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