Steve Randle

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dedicated to herfavoritesong

"Later, Y/N. I'm heading to the Curtis'." Your brother, Dallas, shouted into the nearly empty house.

"Wait! Can I come? I don't want to be alone when Dad comes back..." You pleaded and caught up to him by the front door.

"If he comes back..." Dally muttered under his breath. He sighed,"sure, why not."

You thanked him and grabbed a coat before shutting the door behind you. You two walked in silence as you reached the dark house. The only light on was the living room, and you saw the dark figures of humans walking amok.

You hadn't realized you stopped when your older brother dragged you along. You walked slowly behind him as you stepped into the warm house. You prayed to not see him, yet you hoped you would.

"Y/N!" An all-too-familiar voice called and silenced the room. You glanced at Steve, who was sheepishly smiling at his action.

"Aw, Dal brought his little sis along!" Two-Bit joked and slung an arm around your shoulder.

"Glad you could make it," Darry smiled,"both of you." He ruffled your hair and slapped Dally on the back. "Shut the door will ya? You're letting all the cold air in."

You sat hesitantly on the empty couch, since most of them went to take a smoke outside with the new pack of cigarettes Dallas brought. You saw someone half-naked walk out of the hallway, but your eyes transfixed on the boring TV show in front of you.

"Oh, hey, Y/N." It was Soda who came into the room. "Where're the boys?"

"Outside," you shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh, okay. Hey, Y/N?" He spoke up, grabbing your attention. "Can I ask you something?"

You nodded,"yeah."

He flashed you a smile before sitting rather close to you. You tried your best to pry your eyes from his bare chest.

"So, Steve has been wondering how to ask a certain girl out. And he wanted your help." Soda began.

You sighed, you desperately wanted to get over Steve. Nothing could happen between you, because he didn't like you back. You knew that for a fact.

"If he needed help so badly, how come he didn't come to me first?" You crossed your arms.

Soda stifled a laugh,"you honestly don't know?" You shook your head. "He likes you."

"That isn't funny," you frowned and turned away from him.

"Hey," he said softly, guiding your gaze back towards him. "Just tell him."

"Y/N---" Steve walked into the living room, his eyes widening at how close you and Soda's faces were. Soda let his hand drop from your chin and tried to explain what happened, but Steve cut him off. With that, Steve stormed back outside.

"Steve, wait!" You stood up to chase after him. You frantically looked back at Soda. He nodded and gestured for you to follow him.

You dashed through the front door, catching sight of Steve underneath the nearest streetlamp. You noticed a puff of smoke leave his lips as you neared him.

You turned back to the distant house, watching the rest of the gang pile back into the house. Dally lingered for a second, making sure everything was okay. He gave you a sharp nod before going back inside.

"Go back to your boyfriend," Steve muttered when he glanced at you.

"It's not what it looks like, Steve." You hesitantly placed a delicate hand on his shoulder.

"It's exactly what it looks like! I was about to ask you out because it was the perfect moment! Of course you would like Soda! Everybody does! I can't believe myself! I'm so stupid..." Steve ranted and set his head on the pole, avoiding eye contact with you.

"You're not stupid, Steve. I like you a whole lot. Soda was telling me not to give up on you...on us! For the record, I would've said yes." You blushed furiously, turning away from him so he wouldn't notice.

"You would?" Steve asked in disbelief. "In that case, you wanna got out sometime?"


woah this is super long lmao ((;
ill make the next imagines this long if i have enough inspiration !!
i kinda don't want this book to come to an end )):

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