Darrel Curtis

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Another high school Darry imagine cus why nOT (p.s. still don't know football)

It was another big game against the rival team. Darry, your best friend since forever, was practically carrying his team on his back.

"Come on, Darry!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as he intercepted the ball. You cheered along with the rest of the crowd as Darry continued to score.

You smiled excitedly and clapped your hands furiously.

The game ended and your school won by a long shot.

Darry was bombarded with teammates as everyone came onto the field. You followed along and ran up to Darry as the crowd cleared.

"Y/N! I could hear you cheering from a mile away," Darry laughed and wrapped you in a hug. You giggled in response and pulled away from his sweaty arms.

You two looked at each other in the eye. You've always found Darry attractive. But, he's your best friend so you could never do anything about it. You just threw away those thoughts every time you thought of Darry as more than a friend.

Darry opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. He slowly leaned in, closing his eyes as he did so. You did the same and found yourself kissing your best friend.

Darry pulled away,"Golly, Y/N. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Well, maybe I did?"

"I-it's okay, Darry." You bit your lip and looked away.

"So...would you mind if I did it again?"


*stays up late*
*regrets it in the morning*

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