Ponyboy Curtis

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(part two!)

Last period seemed interminable to you. Your science teacher kept droning on and on about atoms. Finally, the bell rang and everybody began packing up.

You quickly rushed your routine and stumbled out the door. You speed walked towards your locker and saw Ponyboy already leaning against it.

He saw you and his eyes lit up. You felt your heart burst. You smiled and unlocked your locker in silence. You nervously placed your un-needed notebooks into your locker, then taking out the relevant ones.

"Ready?" Ponyboy smiled. You nodded. You met eyes with your older sister, nodding steadily. You asked for a favor...to tell your parents that you were at your best friend's house for the history project. Your parents would kill you if they knew you were with a boy.

"So...this is the Curtis household," Ponyboy sauntered into his house. It seemed typical for an all boys house. There was dirty laundry all over the place, along with random pieces of garbage on the floor. "Sorry for the mess, maybe we can work in my bedroom."

You blushed and dropped your head, watching where you stepped and to hide your reddened face.

"Here, set your stuff on the edge." Ponyboy offered to take your backpack, and you accepted the offer. He placed it next to his and pulled out a couple pieces of binder paper. "Let's get started!"

The deadline crept closer and closer... Luckily, you and Ponyboy have been meeting up frequently. You both finished the project two weeks before the turn-in date. With nothing better to do, you two continued to hang out.

"Are we still going to hang out even after the project is over?" You asked while laying on Pony's bed.

Pony came out from the bedroom, his hair greased back,"Of course!"

"Ok, just making sure..." You blushed. Yep, your crush on him hasn't gone away. In fact, it increased. As for Ponyboy, he's been giving you mixed signs.

Once he kept finding ways to make physical contact with you, then he'll stay as far away from you as possible.

You laid in silence and slowly fell asleep. That didn't last long, since you woke up to the sound of yelling. You stumbled out of Pony's room and saw him and his brother fighting. Darry ending up pushing him, causing Pony to run out the house.

"You too, get out." Darry didn't bother to look at you.

You left your stuff and dashed out the door. You caught up with Pony and took a deep breath.

"You okay?" You both asked. Both of you laughed in response.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Darry's always been hard on me and I didn't want---" you cut him off with a soft kiss.

"I'm sorry!" You pulled away frantically. He smiled and leaned in hesitantly. You connected lips, and it felt like the only thing that mattered was you and him.

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