Dallas Winston

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"...passed away." Your mom managed to say through sobs. "I'm so sorry, honey. I'll call you later."

You didn't say anything during that whole conversation. You didn't feel like saying anything for the rest of your life. You just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry.

In fact, you did. You stepped away from the kitchen phone and collapsed on the nearby couch. Your chest ached and tears blurred your vision.

"Y/N! I'm---" Dally saw you lying down,"---home." He hesitantly walked over to you. "What's wrong?"

You sighed deeply and turned away from him. You didn't feel like doing anything anymore.

You felt him sit at the end of the couch. He cleared his throat awkwardly, clearly not knowing how to comfort you. Then, he began to sing desperately.

"You're just to good to be to be true..." Dally sang. You slightly smiled. "Can't take my eyes off of you." His voice cracked, you stifled a laugh. "Shit, I can't remember the rest."

"You'd be like heaven to touch," you weakly continued the song. Dally cracked a smile. You finally turned to face him,"keep singing."

Dally sucked in a breath,"Ah, don't think I can."

"Why not?" You pouted.

"I need someone to sing the chorus with me," he smiled slyly.

Suddenly, the two of you bursted out screaming.

"I love you baby! And if it's quite alright, I need ya baby to warm a lonely night! I love you baby, trust in me when I say..." You and Dally sprung up from the couch and began dancing around. You forgot about the sad news, and let your mind take mental notes of this moment with Dally.


tfw you're stressed over a trip & makeup homework
tfw you feel like you overpacked
oMg im dead inside

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