Johnny Cade

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You were on the verge of tears when you listened to your stepdad hurt your mother.

He was drunk, like always. You heard your mom cry out in pain, trying to make him stop.

You couldn't take it. You couldn't stand it anymore. You quickly grabbed a bag of runaway emergency supplies from under your bed.

You occasionally ran away whenever your stepfather beat your mom. You were always helpless. Once you tried stopping him, but he ended up giving you multiple bruises. He could've killed you, but your mother pulled out a gun and chased him out the house.

You snuck out your bedroom window and ran as fast as you can. You stopped and collapsed on the floor of a vacant lot.

You rolled onto your back. The stars were out tonight.

"You okay?" A voice said.

You sat up, clearly alarmed by the stranger. You turned around and saw a boy sitting on a nearby rock. You didn't answer. You simply got up and began walking away.

You didn't want to cause trouble.

"Wait no," he stopped you. He had dark hair and skin. His eyes were wide. And, he was a greaser.

You were hesitant. He didn't seem that dangerous. "Why are you here this late at night?" You asked him.

"This lot is more welcoming than my own home," he gave a weak laugh.

"Agreed," you shrugged and joined him on the rock. You leaned against the side of it with him.

"Johnny," he introduced himself.

"Y/N," you replied. He nodded in response.

You two began talking the night away. Before you knew it, you passed out with your head on his shoulder.

"Golly! Look guys! Johnny fell asleep with a girl!" You awoke to a teasing voice.

Johnny stood up rapidly, causing you to fall over. You groaned and shut your eyes again.

"Wake up," Johnny poked your side. At least you thought it was Johnny. You opened one eye and saw an unfamiliar boy staring at you.

You yelped and stood up. The boy that was looking at you had intense muscles.

"Uh, Y/N... This is my gang," Johnny gestured to six other boys.

You racked through your mind and recalled Johnny talking about his close friends. Brothers even.

"Oh yeah, hi..." you waved awkwardly.

A boy who was fairly attractive, wait come on... They were all attractive. A mean-looking boy came up to you, biting his lip.

"Y/N, huh? Nice to meet you," he strolled into your personal bubble.

"Knock it off, Dally." Another boy, who was definitely the most attractive out of the boys, pulled Dally from you.

You blushed and turned to Johnny for help. He was staring at the ground.

One of them sensed the tension between the two of you, so they left you guys alone.

"Thank you," Johnny spoke up.

You rose a brow,"For what?"

"For listening to me..." Johnny smiled.

You smiled back,"My pleasure."

Weeks later, you and Johnny kept in touch. You made plans to meet up in the vacant lot to just talk. Then one day, while you two were watching the stars...

"Hey, Y/N?" Johnny said.


"Do you mind if i try something?" He asked nervously.

You shook your head. He scooted closer to you so that your arms touched. You shivered. He propped himself up on his elbow and leaned close to you.

You slowly closed your eyes. Then, you felt him kiss you.



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