Dallas Winston

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"Come on, Dally!" You groaned and dragged him into the gym of your high school. He reluctantly followed behind you, sneering at any of the students that stared at him for longer than necessary.

"Why couldn't we just hang somewhere and make out or something," Dally muttered as you joined a group of your friends.

You shoved his shoulder playfully,"Don't stress, it'll be fun."

"Doubt it," Dally huffed and crossed his arms as you began talking to your friends.

After a while, the band began to play a slow song "dedicated to the lovers out there."

A whole bunch of your friend group went onto the dance floor with their partners, leaving a couple of you stranded by the snack table.

Sometime during the dance, Dally slipped away for a little bit. You haven't seen him, but you assumed he wanted to have a smoke or something.

You turned to one of your best guy friends, Will, and asked,"wanna dance? My date kinda ditched me."

"Sure," Will grinned and lead you towards the middle of the gym.

The two of you swayed for a short while, before you were torn away from him.

"Hey, man---" Will's eyes widened and slowly began walking away.

You turned around to see a smirking Dally,"I was having fun before you came and ruined it!" You crossed your arms.

Dally rolled his eyes, then suddenly dipped you before he placed his lips onto yours. "Better?"

You held back a smile,"Better."


idk what this was but maybe "better" can be our always

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