Johnny Cade

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In your town of tulsa, there were two main social groups: the greasers and the socs. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately (you were unsure), you fell between the two.

Your "group" defined themselves as the middle class. You spent time trying your best to not cause any trouble.

You were walking home from school when you accidentally bumped into someone. You landed onto your bottom and yelped as a reflex.

You looked up and saw a greaser, he seemed to be your age. And, he was scared out of his wits.

Neither of you said anything since the accident. You frowned and picked yourself up. You walked over to the boy and held out a hand.

"You okay?" You asked him while he hesitantly took your hand.

He nodded,"y-yeah. That was my fault, I'm sorry."

You smiled politely,"it's alright. What's your name?"

"Johnny, you?"


"Are you a soc?" Johnny asked. Wow, he was pretty scared stiff. He seemed jumpy too.

"No," you shook your head.

Johnny looked surprised,"you're a greaser?"

You shook your head again,"I'm neither. I wasn't born in the east side...and I'm certainly not rich."

"Oh," Johnny dropped his head in embarrassment.

"Is everything okay? You look like something scared the living daylights out of wasn't me, right?" You lightly joked.

Johnny didn't choose to answer, but that was fine with you.

" was nice meeting you, Johnny." You gave him a small wave before continuing your way home.

"Uh, Y/N?" Johnny called out to you. You turned around. "Hopefully I'll see you again?"

You nodded and smiled.

Ever since then, you two have been bumping into each other whenever school ended for you.


100+ reads?? thank you guys so much!!!

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