Dallas Winston

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You giggled as your boyfriend, Sodapop Curtis, whispered into your ear while the two of you watched TV. You were happily in love with Soda, and the same goes for him.

Ever since your past boyfriend, Dally, went to jail, you and Soda became closer. You haven't seen Dally in almost one and a half years. He really was in big trouble.

"Hold on, I forgot something in my car." You quickly went out the door and strutted towards your car.

"Hey princess, I missed you." A very familiar voice, a voice you fell in love with, startled you.

You gasped when you saw Dallas Winston leaning against his car behind yours. He walked over to you with a smile on his face.

"Miss me?" He tried kissing you, but you backed away. You shook your head and tried to settle your fast-beating heart. "What's wrong?"

You tried to say something, but nothing came out your opened mouth. Luckily, Soda came outside to see where you had gone.

"Y/N, is everything---oh." Soda frowned when he saw Dally.

"Hey Soda! Where's the boys?" Dally was oblivious to the fact that you and Soda were a thing. Well, he did have an excuse.

"Not here," Soda responded flatly.

Dally furrowed his brows,"What happened while I was gone? You guys are acting like you're hiding something..."

You looked frantically between the two boys, both in stance to through a punch. Oh god...you thought.

"Soda..." You warned him and saw Dally turn to you.

"Y/N...you didn't move on did you?" Dally walked closer to you.

"Y/N...tell him." Soda begged you.

You stuttered and shook your head. Why was this so difficult? You're in love with Soda. Dally is in the past. Why was it so hard to let go? You love Soda... You love...


OOOOH okay so this is going to be a vote. Comment Soda or Dally and I'll choose whoever has the most votes... Whoever wins, you'll end up with that boy.. gASP lol but thank you guys for 6k reads I love you all

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