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oh my god. hello everyone, it's been awhile since i've been on this app. i hope everyone is doing swell ((:

i just wanted to thank you all so much for the continuous love and support on all my works. it makes me feel so appreciated and warm inside!!!

i'm trying to get back into writing because it's something i've always loved (as you can tell haha), and it's something i'm currently considering to pursue in the future.

who knows? maybe i'll add another imagines book or some sort or even write short fanfics to get more writing experience. if so, who would you guys like to read a fanfic of? it would probably be an au because it's been awhile since i've been in any fandoms. school consumed instead of these beautiful characters ):<

anyways, thank you all. lemme know what you guys think ^ (fanfic)! i'll check back in with y'all soon.


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