Sodapop Curtis

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dedicated to @pie_queen14

You smoothed the bottom of your skirt and sat patiently in your living room. You were about to go on a group date with your friends at the annual fair.

You heard voices near your house, and they all began shouting your name. You grinned, said goodbye to your parents, and bolted out the front door.

They all cheered as you made your appearance and hopped into the car. Once you all reached the parking lot, each one of you left the car quickly and rushed to the entrance gateway.

You received your wristband and stamp before they let you into the fair grounds.

"Where'd the boys say they wanted to meet up?" Eliza, one of your close friends, asked no one in particular.

You felt your heart race at the mention of the boys. You blushed at the thought of your third date with Sodapop. You were lucky enough to have him like you back, but even luckier to him asking you out on a date.

"Excited, huh?" Angelica, your closest friend, nudged your side and laughed.

"Duh, you?" You smiled.

"Always am when I'm with Dally," she giggled and tugged you along.

"Let's go ladies!" The leader of your group, Peggy, cheered and began walking towards the Ferris wheel.

After a short, brisk walk, your group met up with the other group. You all dispersed, and you shyly made your way towards Soda.

"Hey," he flashed a smile when you were in earshot.

"Hi," you blushed furiously and turned away.

He laced his fingers with yours unexpectedly,"shall we hit the ride?"

"Yeah," you nodded and tightened your grip on his hand. You've always been a bit anxious about heights, just as long as you don't look down..

A long wait passed before you and Soda were at the front of the line. All of your friends were already on the ride, leaving the two of you alone.

"Please keep all hands and feet in the carriage. No rocking please," the instructor let you two into the seat before beginning the ride again.

You remained silent until you reached the very peak of the ride,"why'd we have to stop up here..." You mumbled to yourself and looked down at your still intertwined fingers.

"You okay?" Sodapop rubbed his thumb gently on the back of your hand.

"Yeah, just a little nervous, that's all." You admitted and shut your eyes. "Can't this go any faster?"

His smile dropped,"you don't want to spend more time with me?"

Your eyes shot open,"no! No, I don't mean that. I do want to spend time with you, but not up here where there's a danger hazard of fall---" you glanced down at the ground. You gulped and dug your head into his shoulders.

He let go of your hand and wrapped an arm around your shoulder,"'s going to be alright."

You shook your head, feeling your breath quicken. He sighed and began humming a familiar song. Halfway through the song, you felt a bit more relaxed.

You sat up straight and realized the ride was starting to move once again. You sighed in relief.

"Better?" Sodapop whispered almost inaudibly.

You nodded and turned to face him,"yes. Thank you."

"My pleasure," his eyes flickered to the bottom half of your face.

You pursed your lips and prepared for what was about to happen next. That dream ended once the ride stopped once again, jerking you both to a stop.

The two of you laughed nervously and exited the ride. You two greeted your other friends and shyly stood next to each other.

Sodapop looked over at you nervously and placed a quick on the top of your head before slinging his arm around you.

You grinned widely like an idiot as your large group made its way to the next pit stop. You turned to look up at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek, but horribly missing and kissed him on the lips instead.

You pulled away in shock,"I'm sorry! Oh my gosh, this is embarrassing."

"No! It's fine," Sodapop reassured you.

"Y-you sure?" You blushed.

He bent down and pressed another kiss to your lips,"I'm positive."


oh my gosh I'm so sorry for disappearing I've been busy )): I'm leaving for Japan tmrw & will be writing/completing/wrapping up this imagines book on the plane ride to and from. thank you all for being fabulous people <33 much love!!

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