Steve Randle

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You skimmed through your science notebook, trying your best to finish with your studying. Steve, one of best friends, sat on your bed while throwing a stuffed cat into the air. You tapped your fingers as you continued to go over all the worksheets.

"Are you done yet? I don't want to miss the movie.. Who even studies on a Friday..." Steve groaned as the stuffed animal fell onto his face.

You closed your notebook and jumped from your desk chair. You slung a jacket over your shoulder and pulled Steve from your bed.

The two of you ran to the car and quickly drove off to the Nightly Double. It was a couples night, and even though you two weren't a couple, you both liked to make fun of those that were.

You found a free spot in the parking lot and settled into the stall. Steve nonchalantly placed an arm across the top of the seat and looked over at you. He grinned and you returned the gesture.

"I'll get us some popcorn," Steve climbed out the car and towards the small snack shop in the back of the drive-in.

You kept yourself distracted when suddenly a familiar boy came up to you.

Ugh... You thought. It was Christopher Avery. He's known for hitting on anybody he thinks is available. So far, he wasn't able to gain one girl.

"Hey there pretty lady," he winked and leaned on the car beside you.

"Get outta here," you rolled your eyes and turned your back on him. You felt his arms around you. You pushed him off and shrieked in disgust.

"Come on," Christopher practically begged and hoped into the seat next to you.

"Get away from my girlfriend!" You heard Steve shout. You watchdd him strut over to the car angrily. He carefully set down the snacks before grabbing Christopher by the collar.

Christopher gulped,"Sorry man.. Didn't think she was taken."

Steve furrowed his brows,"You never think."

Christopher nodded frantically before rushing away. Steve stifled a laugh as he took his rightful place next to you. Luckily, the movie had just begun.

"Did you see the look on there faces when you honked? Golly, Steve, you sure know how to make me laugh." You wrapped your hair up into a high ponytail.

The two of you parked in front of your house, watching the stars.

"I love you, Y/N." Steve said in a subdued voice. He was almost inaudible.

"I know, Steve. I love you too. We're best friends forever!" You giggled like a child and grasped his hand.

He squeezed your hand in response,"I meant more as a friend."

You loosened your grip and sat up on the hood of the car,"What?" You blushed.

"Oh god, I shouldn't have said that. I'll be going and I understand if you never---" you cut him off by placing a kiss on his lips.

Steve grinned and pulled you in for another.


ahh sorry i promise my next few imagines will be much much better !! next up is a two-bit imagine, which is the second part from my previous two-bit one.

thank you guys so much for 2k reads!! <3

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