Dallas Winston

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Requested by @hannahlovesfob

"Dally? Would you mind taking out the garbage?" You asked while preparing your guys' dinner.

Dally nodded and grabbed the bag of garbage. He opened the back door and clumsily tripped over the step down, causing the garbage to fly out of his grip.

You giggled and continued cooking.

When he came back, he had a frown on his face. You shrugged it off, maybe he was just upset that he fell.

"Y/N, what is this?" He asked in a subdued voice.

"Um, our dinner?" You placed the plates onto the dining table.

He shook his head,"No. This." He showed what he was holding in his hand. It was a pregnancy test.

"Oh, where'd that come from?" You lied. You had taken a pregnancy test earlier that day because you thought you were carrying a baby.

It was a false alarm, so you threw it away. Dally must've found it when he dropped the trash.

"Y/N...are you pregnant?" He clearly didn't read the test.

"I thought I was," you said nonchalantly. You were sad though. You really wanted to start a family with Dally.

"Oh," Dally whispered. You nodded and gestured for dinner to start.

Afterwards, Dally helped you clean the dishes. He never helped you clean; or do anything.

"Do you want to start a family?" Dally looked at you.

You refused to look back,"do you?"

He wholeheartedly smiled,"whatever makes you happy. I love you and I will love our children."

You gasped,"I love you too, Dally."

You two smiled at each other, knowing that tonight was going to be the start of your family.


you know what i mean (;
hAh jk

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